Tuesday 13 September 2011

Eurobike : Ragley and Nuke Proof Featured on BikeMagic, Singletrack and PinkBike

The Hotlines Thundertruck rolled out of sleepy Oxfordshire bound for Friedrichschafen and Eurobike, the year's premier trade show.

On show were our lovely Nuke Proof and Ragley 2012 bikes, parts and accessories.

Interest was high and it was a busy show for all involved with lots of the UK and international media swinging by both the demo day and the stand to see what we had on offer.

New for 2012 are the Nuke Proof and Ragley complete bikes with full suspension models being added to the Ragley range.

All complete bikes from Nuke Proof and Ragley should be landing on our shores early 2012. Pricing and spec is still to be confirmed.

Check out a Ragley 2012 video starring 2 thirds of the Hotlines Marketing team:

More Mountain Biking Videos

And have a look at our marketing supremo running through the 2012 Ragley range for the guys at Singletrack:

Eurobike 2011: Ragley Bikes from Singletrack Magazine on Vimeo.

Alasdair MacLennan also did a first look at the new complete bikes, check out the full review below, as well as the Singletrack and BikeMagic articles:




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