Wednesday 27 July 2011

Weather... It's following Us

Nukeproof components sponsored rider Tahnee Seagrave took the win at the Rhône Alpes Cup, at Morillon. Check out how Tahnee got on.

This week end was a Rhône Alpes Cup, at Morillon, a race that our bike club organises - usually quite well attended with some fast racers and a good field of girls.

It was a new track that ended in the village which was great for spectators. It has been raining here in the French Alps for the past 2 weeks there has been breaks of sunshine but nothing that would dry out a mountain bike track. Another complete mudfest which was a real shame as the track could have really flowed in the dry - there were sections of uphill that were made un-rideable in the weather!!

Kaos was the opening rider (still too young to race) so he got to train all weekend with me which was fun. There was a few technical bits on the track and by the end of training on Saturday I had nailed them all even the really sketchy road gap - Mum was stoked as she was a marshal at that point on the track!

With it being so muddy, it was really good to be able to drive the 1 hr home for a long hot shower at the end of training!

Race day and Kaos opened the race coming down in a 4.53 with a couple of crashes so pleased for him as it would have put him 3rd in the 13-14 category! Errrrrr it was also faster than my terrible 5.12!!! My run didn't go as planned - I was last girl to go… which is great in one way but means that I have to overtake so many people!!! I caught up at least five girls that were piled on the floor within the first 2 mins! I even had to stop and wait, as two had crashed in a corner after a steep bit. After that was the road gap, it was so slippery that pedalling in to it I ended up facing the opposite way!!

I then had chance to push a bit… coming into the last tight wood section that was quite fast, I saw two girls. Managing to get round them both, I was pinning it out into the open when I hit more mud and went flying - passed again by the two girls!! I was over it! Picked up my bike, and headed for the finish line overtaking the girls - again. I was second in Elite female.

In the second round it was not so eventful - the mud had turned to thick gloup and when I got to the start all the girls were there. Someone asked if I wanted to go first which I jumped at! A couple of slide outs and a few paddling moments but I got down in a 4.45 beating all the girls and Kaos - much happier!!

Next week - Nissan European Cup and the weather looks good!!!!!!!

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