You’re looking at your new Canadian National Champ! It didn’t come easy either. I consider myself lucky this time. The girls were riding fast! I seeded fastest on Saturday with more fuel in the tank. The track dried out quite a bit by race time and I knew girls would be going a lot faster. I was going to have to pull off a clean run to win. I barely did it after an unexpected pole and tape in a high speed section of track forced me to weave around into some loose rocks and I almost got bucked off…so scary. Missed my line into the next section and there went my flow through the rock garden bit. Didn’t really need that to happen as I was already not riding the most amazing that run, don’t know why. Pressure? Nerves? Anyways, so I am happy that I achieved my goal but would be happier if I performed my best. That is kinda what I’m always after.

Chris came along for support and since he’s not a Canadian citizen, the CCA were good enough to make him Fore Runner. So he basically used the weekend as race practice and for bike set up, pretty invaluable as we only got our bikes built just before Crankworx….
Been a pretty successful week considering….grateful and stoked for that!
Thanks to all of my supporters, glad I could win you a title!
This ones for you, Schinken!
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